Sunandaji, is the daughter-disciple of the internationally eminent philosopher Swami Parthasarathy. Under Swamiji’s guidance, she has been studying and researching Vedanta, the ancient philosophy of India, for almost four decades.

Her clear and powerful presentation of ancient wisdom in contemporary thought has been acclaimed in India and abroad. She has addressed leading corporate organisations and Universities across the world, including the Young Presidents Organisation and World Presidents Organisation (YPO-WPO), Harvard and Oxford Universities.

1. Enlighten us on the philosophy of Bhagavad Gita. How does this correlate to your ethos and characteristics as a leader?

The Bhagavad Gita appears in the great epic Mahabharata. The epic details the lives of two royal families – Pandavas and Kauravas, culminating in a war between them. Arjuna, the Pandava prince, is famed as a mighty warrior. However, just as the battle is about to commence, he mentally collapses and wants to run away from the battlefield. At that moment Lord Krishna delivers the sermon of the Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna. Over 18 chapters of chaste philosophy, the Gita explains the purpose of human existence and provides the ways to achieve it. It drives home the truth that lasting success and peace in life is found by performing one’s obligations in life and not shying away from them. Inspired and rejuvenated by Krishna’s explanation, Arjuna fights the battle and emerges victorious.

The Bhagavad Gita expounds that the purpose of life is to realise one’s essential Being. To discover the supreme Self within. Attain spiritual Enlightenment. Moreover, it gives a philosophy of life which can be translated into practical living in all aspects of one’s life. The essence of the Bhagavad Gita is the Vedanta philosophy.

One of the fundamental teachings of the Gita is that human action is propelled by the mind or intellect. The mind is the feeling equipment – comprising one’s likes and dislikes, emotions and impulses. The intellect is the thinking faculty which reasons, judges, decides. The mind, by nature, has no direction or dimension. It can ask for anything. Hence the Gita explains, to live a productive and harmonious life, it is imperative that the mind’s emotions be filtered through intellectual supervision.

The Gita states that a leader is one who leads by example, sets the standard for all his colleagues. Envisioning a higher ideal in life, he performs his obligatory duties with enthusiasm and cheer, never allowing his emotions to overpower his intellectual discretion.

Essence of leadership lies in possessing thorough knowledge, overall intelligence and a humble countenance. Deep emotions and genuine identification equally towards all colleagues at work. A keen sense of service and sacrifice in achieving the ideals of the organisation.

2. What is the relevance of the Bhagavad Gita in the modern corporate world?

Bhagavad Gita is a manual for life. The message is scientific and universal. Referred to as Sanatana Dharma or Eternal Truths meant for all humanity, irrespective of cast, creed, religion, race, gender or age. The Gita has a universal message for mankind. This knowledge enables one to live a life of dynamism and peace.

People often become helpless victims to challenges of the world. Incapable of dealing with situations. They succumb to external pressures and stress. The knowledge of the Gita fortifies the human intellect and prepares one to face and overcome any challenge in the world. Lead a stress-free and successful life.

It gives a philosophy of life which can be translated into practical living in one’s social, official & domestic lives.

If you analyse the modern corporate world, while they may be productive, they have by their own admission lost their peace of mind. Incidents of stress and depression, disharmony and divorce are skyrocketing. The Bhagavad Gita enunciates eternal principles of life and living. These principles are applicable to one and all and do not change with time. By implementing them in life, not only will one achieve success in their field of activity but also find lasting harmony and peace.

3. What is your message to the Sri Lankan public, corporates, and youth to come out of the current crisis?

The mind behaves like a child. A child needs constant supervision and guidance of an adult. So does the mind need the attention and direction of the intellect. Most people succumb to the indiscriminate pressures of the mind. And they suffer the consequences thereof. The intellect understands the world cannot cater to an individual’s demands. Accepts the fact there are times when things go according to one’s plan and times when they do not. With such maturity one rises above fluctuations. Remains peaceful and content.

The annual Bhagavad Gita lecture by Sunandaji is organised by Vedanta institute Colombo and sponsored by Kanapathy Chetty Selvanathan Charitable Trust. This year chapter 5 of the Bhagavad Gita lecture on the title ‘3 Steps to Perfection’ is scheduled from 23 – 26 Mar 2023 from 6.45 to 8 pm (SLST). The lecture will be online. Free registration is available at or by scanning the below QR code.

Vedanta institute Colombo conducts weekly classes on the Bhagavad Gita and Self-management programs for corporates and youth. For details visit or contact +94 762796113.

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