Durga Kenny, the founder and director of Bewaxed Sri Lanka, has recently won the highly coveted Founder of the Year 2022 award. With an impressive track record of success, Durga has revolutionized the waxing industry and established herself as a true leader in the field.

In 2013, Durga Kenny founded Bewaxed Sri Lanka, an exclusive-only ladies waxing salon, and since then, the company has grown exponentially, opening several outlets in and around Colombo, as well as in the outskirts. A few years ago, they franchised the brand to a party in the Maldives, and at the beginning of 2023, they opened their first outlet in India, Bangalore. Today, Bewaxed has become a well-known brand in Sri Lanka, the Maldives, and India.

Durga Kenny’s journey to becoming the Founder of the Year 2022 was not easy. When she started Bewaxed, the concept of waxing was new to Sri Lanka, and people were not familiar with the benefits and importance of waxing. However, she persisted and worked hard to create awareness about her brand and its services.

By offering a new and innovative concept of specialised waxing, Durga Kenny created a niche market in Sri Lanka’s beauty industry. Her brand became known for providing high-quality services, and she quickly gained a loyal customer base. With her passion for waxing and her commitment to providing excellent customer service, she expanded her business and opened several branches across the country.

Durga Kenny’s contribution to the waxing industry in Sri Lanka has been significant. She has completely changed the way people think about waxing and has created a market for it that was not there before. Today, many salons in Sri Lanka offer waxing services, and the concept of waxing has become mainstream.

Moreover, Durga Kenny has made waxing more affordable for women in Sri Lanka, and she does not always market it as part of making yourself beautiful. Instead, she promotes waxing as part of hygiene, emphasizing the advantages of waxing in terms of hygiene. She has opened up the market to different types of women, and she does not have a specific set of clientele that she targets and advertises to. Instead, she welcomes anyone and everyone who is interested in waxing to come and give it a try. The pricing is also affordable, and she has seen people who she never thought would dare to wax now try it. This is a meaningful contribution to the industry, and it shows that Durga Kenny cares about the well-being of her clients.

Durga Kenny’s advocacy for body positivity and inclusivity is an important aspect of her brand’s ethos. In many societies, there is a pressure to conform to a certain body type and skin color, and Durga Kenny’s message of acceptance is refreshing and much-needed. By embracing different body types and skin colors, Durga Kenny has created an environment where everyone feels comfortable and accepted, regardless of their physical appearance.

In addition to her advocacy for body positivity, Durga Kenny is also strongly opposed to skin bleaching, which is a practice that is unfortunately prevalent in many parts of the world. Skin bleaching is a harmful practice that can lead to skin damage and other health problems, and it promotes the idea that certain skin colors are more desirable than others. By speaking out against skin bleaching and promoting natural beauty, Durga Kenny is helping to break down harmful beauty standards and encouraging people to love and accept themselves for who they are.

Through her brand, Durga Kenny has created a space where people can feel comfortable and confident in their own skin. By promoting body positivity and inclusivity, and speaking out against harmful beauty standards, she is making a positive impact in the lives of many people, particularly young women who may be struggling with body image issues. Her advocacy for acceptance and self-love is a message that is much needed in today’s world, and it is one that she continues to promote through her work.

Durga Kenny’s leadership skills have also been a significant contributor to the success of her business. She motivates her workforce by celebrating their successes, awarding badges, and promoting them to better roles. She celebrates their birthdays and does a lot of family-oriented team building together. She believes that it is important to understand her fellow employees as family members and friends, so they trust her enough to be happy to come to work. Being approachable to her team members is essential, and she always prefers to have one-on-one conversations with her staff, making herself accessible to them. This is important because many companies and staff members believe that after a certain point, the boss is no longer accessible to the staff. Additionally, she lets her staff members share their opinions, and she manages both the staff and clients’ views in a professional manner.

Durga Kenny’s achievement of receiving the Founder of the Year 2022 award is undoubtedly an incredible milestone that represents years of hard work, dedication, and passion for her business. This recognition not only celebrates her success but also serves as an inspiration and motivation for many other aspiring entrepreneurs, especially young women.

Durga Kenny understands the value of awards and certificates as a tangible representation of accomplishments and milestones achieved in one’s professional journey. Her own experience of being motivated by the awards and certificates she saw in the offices of other successful female entrepreneurs throughout her journey shows how such recognition can inspire others to aim higher and work harder towards their goals.

As a successful entrepreneur, Durga Kenny is determined to use her award as a platform to influence and inspire other young women who have dreams and aspirations. She believes that awards and recognition are essential in motivating and encouraging individuals to pursue their goals and work towards achieving success.

Durga Kenny’s emphasis on persistence and consistency highlights the importance of having a strong work ethic and a steadfast commitment towards achieving one’s goals. She understands that building a successful business requires dedication, hard work, and resilience, and that one must be willing to push through challenges and setbacks in order to achieve success.

In conclusion, Durga Kenny’s journey and success in the waxing industry serve as an excellent example of what can be achieved through hard work, innovation, and a commitment to creating a positive impact in people’s lives.

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