Deakin University has extensive in-country partnerships with leading Sri Lankan higher education providers in both the private and public sectors for undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Most of the partnerships are Recognition for Prior Learning (RPL) arrangements.
What is a Deakin University Pathway?
The Deakin University pathway program allows students to start their preferred degree in Sri Lanka and complete the course in Australia.
RPL is the recognition of previous study that can reduce the number of subjects you need to study at Deakin, allowing you to complete your degree in a shorter period of time. The amount of recognition granted depends on the study you undertook as part of your pathway, and may also vary according to the program rules, majors chosen and professional recognition requirements. A formal determination of RPL will be completed at the time of application to Deakin. To be eligible to transfer, you must also meet set (Grade Point Average) GPA requirements.
Why is a transfer (Pathway) option a good idea?
For many parents, their child’s maturity and especially being able to cope in a new environment such as a foreign country could be a concern. One or two years at a Deakin partner institute in Sri Lanka allows time for young students to emotionally mature and go from school to university level study in the comfort and guidance of family nearby. Studying via a pathway also enables students to gradually build a sense of independence and confidence without feeling like being thrown “in the deep end”. This will provide students with a smoother transition to Deakin, Australia and allow them to perform better academically, plus settle into their new life in Australia.
Another reason is the cost. Studying via a pathway will also allow one to make significant savings. Just a year of study at one of our Deakin’s partner institutes could save upwards of approx AUD 55,000 (per year) on the Deakin tuition fees + living expenses.
Deakin University’s partners and the pathways include;
- AIC Campus (AIC) – Biomedical Science, Forensic Science, Science, Zoology & Animal Science
- ANC Education (ANC) – Biomedical Science, IT, Engineering, Science
Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology (APIIT) – Commerce, IT
- Australian College of Business and Technology (ACBT) – Business, Business Analytics, Commerce
- Business Management School (BMS) – Biomedical Science
- CICRA – Cybersecurity
- Informatics Institute of Technology (IIT) – Computer Science, IT
- International College of Business and Technology (ICBT) – Construction Management, Engineering
- International Institute of Health Sciences (IIHS) – Biomedical Science, Nursing, Exercise and Sport Science (inc. double degree options)
- National Institute of Business Management (NIBM) – Business Analytics, IT, Software Engineering
- Prospects Academy – Education (Early Years), Psychological Science
- Royal Institute of Colombo (RIC) – Biomedical Science, Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Science, Science
- Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT) – Construction Management, Cybersecurity, IT, Engineering, Nursing, Psychological Science.
- Sri Lanka Technological Campus (SLTC) – Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Cybersecurity, IT, Engineering, Software Engineering.
- University of Moratuwa – Architecture (Post-grad co-tutelle)
- University of Sri Jayewardenepura – PG Programs and Collaborative Engagement.
Deakin’s partners are carefully selected and all are leaders in their respective fields. The ethos of Deakin University’s partner institutes aligns with Deakin University’s own. Both its partners and the University are committed to offering a seamless transition for everyone on a Deakin pathway.
For further information about Deakin’s pathway partnerships in Sri Lanka, please contact Deakin’s Sri Lanka’s Senior Partnerships Coordinator on
076 078 7809. Or via email via; [email protected]