We live in an ever-changing world today. No industry, including media and entertainment, remains unaffected. Since leading means managing change, leadership has increasingly become a pertinent concept in organizations. The technological changes, journalism and rising competition have forced media and entertainment companies to look out for talented and trained leaders capable of leading in tough and constantly changing situations. In this article, we delve into the narrative of one such leader; MAHESH BANDARA, CEO OF HARITHA TV (HARITHA NETWORK), and examine his approach to leadership, innovation, and growth.

A journey led by creativity and passion is often backed by years, or in Mahesh’s case, decades of experience in the fields of publishing, communications, and advertising. To begin with, his elevation to the position of CEO at Haritha TV (Haritha Network) was quite noteworthy, given that he had to undertake the responsibility of developing content for a genre that he wasn’t particularly acquainted with. Mahesh’s most enduring career milestone was his tenure as the Creative Director at BT Options (a top publisher of business and travel/tourism magazines). Throughout his career in media, he has consistently focused on generating revolutionary content. Even before his time at BT, he had served in various capacities at different organizations, honing his creative skills in diverse fields. Hence, transitioning into new territories came naturally to him. As someone who relished challenges, his appointment at Haritha TV demanded a fresh approach to producing entertainment, and it also marked a significant shift from print to electronic media.

From an ethical perspective, a company philosophy begins with core values. The common element is a commitment to individuals that should guide the company in better serving its clients. Enlightening us on the philosophy at Haritha TV, Mahesh also reflects on how it correlates to his characteristics. According to him, Venerable Galboda Gnanissara Thera, the Chief Incumbent of the Gangaramaya Temple in Colombo, was the driving force behind the concept of launching a television channel that promotes environmental and climate conservation with a focus on agriculture, religion, and culture. Mahesh commends the Chief Incumbent for his fondness for nature and his substantial contributions towards safeguarding the environment.

Consequently, Venerable Dr. Kirinde Assaji Thera played a significant role in advancing Mahesh’s notion and turning it into a reality by inviting him to lead Haritha TV. He felt honored to execute the noble vision they had anticipated. Acknowledging the persistent advice, guidance, and blessings they instilled in him, Mahesh expressed that it has been instrumental in his life. He voiced that the team effort and his unwavering guidance led to the channel’s remarkable success.

Haritha TV may have just marked its second anniversary, but its inception can be traced back three years ago when Mahesh dedicated a whole year to laying the groundwork for its launch. Reflecting on their journey, he articulated how the market has been very attuned, citing their focus on environmental causes and agriculture as what sets them apart from other players in the television entertainment industry. He stated, “We focus on religion, culture, and native practices that spur good and wise lifestyles. We have gone to our farmers and entrepreneurs to give them the visibility they deserve.”

In two years, Haritha TV managed to offer a distinct viewing experience to both urban and rural audiences. Their content has helped them secure a spot among Sri Lanka’s top ten channels out of a pool of 33. Despite competing against some of the most established players in the industry, Mahesh views their ranking as a significant achievement for a relatively new television channel.

As the television industry undergoes constant evolution with the introduction of new technologies and formats, one may wonder how a network such as Haritha TV stays upto-date with the latest trends. Mahesh shares with us how the network remains equipped with cutting-edge broadcasting technology, including 4K and HD resolution, cloud-based systems, and up-to-date hardware and software. This combination of advanced technology has played a significant role in enabling Haritha TV to compete with industry veterans and other media organizations.

Furthermore, when it comes to expanding their brand, Mahesh plans to venture into radio and digital media, sharing, “We have an online community radio channel that we plan to expand, while also increasing our social media presence.” He also highlighted how the network aligns with environmental and agricultural initiatives, which is a natural outcome of their vision, mission, and values. As a result, they have been invited to participate in numerous local programs that align with their agenda.

Given that the television industry is in a state of flux as it adapts to the changing landscape, it raises the question: how does a traditional network like Haritha TV navigate these changes?

Around the time of Haritha TV’s launch in March 2021, Sri Lanka conflicted with COVID-19. The restrictions on movement and remote work requirements presented challenges in planning and implementation for the network. According to Mahesh, the scarcity of talent emerges as their biggest challenge, with skilled individuals leaving the country due to economic instability. Additionally, rising prodVVuction costs due to higher costs of food, transport, and logistics have posed a challenge. The network’s investment in up-to-date technology has also been impacted by fluctuating dollar values, which increased purchasing costs. Despite these hindrances, Mahesh and his team persevered and consider it a notable accomplishment to have successfully operated for two years.

Notwithstanding the country’s ongoing economic crisis, it takes a certain boldness to maintain a positive outlook on one’s prospects. Mahesh anticipates that the entertainment industry will face critical and challenging times in the coming years. As Haritha TV is still relatively new, its trajectory will be determined within the next two to three years, mandating Mahesh and his team to redirect and position it as a relevant model for the current climate.

To thrive in the new leadership paradigm, it’s crucial to have leaders who can build meaningful connections with their teams and audiences using innovative methods. Mahesh, a proven leader in the entertainment industry, is an excellent example of such a leader, with a track record of unwavering focus and determination, he is bound to achieve set objectives and take Haritha TV to greater heights.

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