An iron will that is accompanied by never-ending dedication will pave the way for prosperity. As an individual believing in that concept and the power of never giving up, Minoli Wickramasinghe, Executive Director of Capital Trust Holdings, has established herself as a pioneering force in the real estate industry in Sri Lanka, under the name of Capital Trust Properties. Holding the ethics of professionalism close to her heart, Minoli has initialized a new perspective of trust and branding that is tied closely with the name of Capital Trust Properties.
Starting from an expansion of stockbroking in 2010, Minoli has guided Capital Trust Properties to be the largest property transaction company in Sri Lanka with a network of trusted, loyal clients and employees. Always driving themselves forward with the fuel of their client’s trust, Capital Trust was the first company to establish a proper systemized approach to real estate in Sri Lanka. As a proud pioneer and leader who has guided the company throughout this establishment process, Minoli acknowledges the effort and work ethic she instilled in herself as well as her company with the utmost pride.
“We were the pioneers, but it was a roller coaster ride, as this industry, unlike stockbroking, is not regulated. It was tough to get anything done, as the real estate industry did not have run-on principles and professionalism back then. However, I managed to instil that professionalism in my staff and the company. At the end of the day, we are bound by strong ethics and a commitment to all stakeholders. I must say, we have regulated ourselves so that we serve the client in a professional manner.”
This strong structure, bonded by skill, work ethic, and dedication, has resulted in earning them exclusivity on a global level, as Capital Trust remains the only property company to have worked exclusively with three global real estate companies. Marking its rightful place as an award-winning industry giant, the company advances under the guiding force of Minoli’s leadership, as she stands strong enough to conquer any superficial bounds created by society. While she acknowledges the fact that working in a male-dominated industry can come up with its own set of challenges, she does not find it an unbearable and restricting hurdle that is impossible to overcome.
“I have worked in male-dominated fields, from shipping at Maersk to real estate to stockbroking, and the best thing is always finding that with uncompromising, strong ethics and professionalism, you really can stand above the rest.”
Minoli holds a deep passion to lead as a successful woman in the corporate world while inspiring other women to find the courage to pursue their path of progress with a strong set of values. The journey of change is sparked by a mindset of change fueled by a yearning for excellence. Basing herself on this philosophy, Minoli continues to grow as an individual while striking a balance between her personal and professional life, while also maintaining herself as a unique individual who caters to fulfilling her life purpose with the utmost dedication.
With a strong commitment towards what she does as an industry leader and towards overcoming the challenges brought forth on her career journey, Minoli tries to preserve the unique essence she carries within herself that sets her apart from the rest. Figuring out your true self and focusing that energy to achieve your goals, as Minoli claims, is one of the most resourceful steps one could take to succeed in life.
“I see opportunities and I am optimistic amidst all the negativity that surrounds us. I feel that if you work hard with the right attitude, which is very essential for whatever you strive to achieve, you can do it. If all our citizens do the same, without complaining, we can collectively make a difference in society. Also, you need to be passionate about what you do, and if you persevere amidst all the challenges you face, and have the will to achieve your goal, you will succeed. “
Persevering through the extremely tough times within a male-dominated industry, Minoli’s perception has successfully helped her to establish regulation within the industry where she is now recognised with elite excellence. The tough times were evidently bridled with consistency, regulation, work ethic, and dedication; Minoli insisted on not compromising those values no matter what circumstances or challenges they had to face as a company. Instilling these deep values is what lifted Capital Trust to the great heights of exceptional excellence, where they have remained to shine bright and thrive as a trusted award-winning brand in the industry.
“As a leader, you have to be compassionate and supportive of your staff, since they are the source of your strength to continue on the mission that you started. Starting from scratch wasn’t easy and perseverance is a must in the most difficult times. It is also very important to always look for and take advantage of the opportunities that arise. Being passionate about what you do is essential. My entire business revolves around being very principled in how we conduct business.”
As Minoli continues to take great joy in serving her clients with the best, and as a company guided by Minoli, Capital Trust has based itself on the solid grounds of trust which they hold as their most essential and precious asset. Maintaining a genuine relationship at all times with their clients, the company aspires to climb higher and higher on the grounds of trusted principles and excellent professionalism. Minoli continues to prosper as their leader, as she looks forward to conquering more real estate opportunities while striking a balance in her life as a truly strong woman combining imperishable femininity with business savvy.