CEO Spotlight: Rusty Tweed gives advice to CEOs: Coping during uncertain times

Rusty Tweed Shares What CEOs Can Do During These Uncertain Times to Protect Their Interests and Employees. Today’s uncertain economic environment has made taking care of employees and businesses extremely challenging. Many businesses such as those in retail and foodservice have been forced to close, and even companies that were able to move most of […]

What Makes a Great CEO?

The Chief Executive Officer plays a critical role in any business as the highest-ranking executive and person that makes the major decisions and oversees the entire operation. It is a fantastic position to hold as it comes with a tremendous amount of power and respect not to mention the lucrative salary, but as you might expect, […]

Conscious Business and Mindful Leadership

It’s a Tuesday afternoon and you’ve just wrapped up a phone call with your manager. You let out a long sigh–the call didn’t go the way you anticipated; you spent hours drafting your proposal for a potential client, only for your manager to shoot down your efforts—she points out errors in your approach, disagrees with […]

Where Do You Start With Leadership?

Leadership has become an overused buzzword that seems to be the new personal development term for our times. If you ask ten people to define what leadership is, you will get a wide variety of answers. Some may say authority, power, influence, while others will focus on vision, charisma, or perhaps integrity. Most will agree […]

7 Steps a CEO Can Take to Be Better Prepared for Crisis in 2021

The quarantine of 2020 began as a temporary disruption, but it quickly changed into a “new normal” that won’t suddenly disappear in 2021.  Google has declared their temporary work-from-home policies will remain in place until July 2021.  Twitter, Square, and Shopify have completely changed their stance to permanently support anyone who decides they’d rather work […]

Qualities of The Emotionally Intelligent Leader

Emotion is information. Emotion contains important data that are tied to our thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and actions. It’s why every decision, strategy, product, team and customer is affected by emotional intelligence, or an organization’s lack of it. It’s why investing in emotional intelligence training consistently yields great returns, as high as 1000%. And, it’s why […]

What Business Leaders Can Learn from How Militaries Cope with the “Fog of War”

These are chaotic times for businesses of all sizes, with supply chains disrupted, online buying through the roof, and foot-traffic at near-zero in many areas. Businesses of all kinds are still wrestling with the economic wreckage that has accompanied the pandemic, and the need to understand what the post-COVID-19 world will look like. That’s left […]

Do You Have To Be Vulnerable To Excel At Leadership?

Leaders who are still caught up in the old command-and-control, top-dog leadership style are asking for trouble. In addition to the stress and burnout that it causes, it can be embarrassing. Today’s business world is more fast-paced. There’s constant change whether it’s with talent, strategy or market share. And to keep stride, leaders must constantly monitor their […]

You Don’t Have To Worry What Your Remote Employees Do All Day

If you’ve never led a virtual team before, the past six months have probably been some of the most challenging of your leadership journey. Leaders in all industries have needed to adapt their playbooks to a remote world, updating communications practices, meeting cadences and accountability structures. Even leaders who don’t micromanage their teams have likely undergone some […]

One Woman Can Change the World

When you look at Rosa Parks, she was one woman who refused to give her bus seat to a white passenger thus setting the civil rights movement in America. When you look at Tarana Burke, she is one woman who is responsible for #MeToo Movement thus bringing waves globally. When you look at Oprah Winfrey, […]