Sohan Weerakkody’s journey at InQube GLOBAL exemplifies leadership tested by adversity, where strategic innovation, adaptability, and a commitment to organizational values drive transformative outcomes even in the face of unprecedented challenges. As the Senior Vice President of Corporate Affairs & Communications at InQube GLOBAL, he reflects on moments in his career where resilience and strategic decision-making were paramount.

Joining InQube at its inception in 2017, Sohan embarked on a challenging journey outlined by his boss, Dilan Gooneratne, who foresaw rough terrain ahead. His role as HR Head amidst the merger of two other businesses into the group presented formidable obstacles. Balancing diverse cultures, traditions, and operations across Sri Lanka, the UK, Cambodia, and Haiti demanded adept management of cultural disparities. Despite these challenges, he facilitated the creation of a unified culture that propelled the business to remarkable growth, reaching a substantial USD 280 million turnover within seven years.

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic presented another formidable hurdle for InQube GLOBAL. With a sudden 35-40% drop in revenue and discussions of factory closures looming, the company pivoted its operations towards producing personal protective equipment (PPE) for the Sri Lankan tri-forces. This initiative not only served the immediate needs of the nation but also opened doors to international markets, securing a significant order from the UK’s NHS for PPE units monthly for six months. Sohan and the team navigated the complexities of rapid recruitment, scaling up the workforce by 1600 employees within a two-week window, a feat compounded by the earlier contemplation of layoffs.

Communicating difficult decisions, such as salary cuts during the pandemic, underscored their commitment to maintaining the business’s sustainability while prioritizing employee welfare. The resilience demonstrated during this period culminated in a remarkable turnaround, with all deducted salaries eventually reimbursed to employees. Building upon these successes, InQube GLOBAL expanded its portfolio further by acquiring a Hong Kong-based company seamlessly, despite travel restrictions, demonstrating agility and foresight in adapting to evolving circumstances.

Sohan reveals his approach to managing stress and maintaining a healthy work-life balance, drawing from over two decades of experience in the demanding apparel industry. Acknowledging the unpredictability inherent in his line of work, he emphasizes the importance of adapting to unforeseen challenges while striving to reconcile personal and professional commitments.


A self-professed fitness enthusiast, Sohan’s dedication to physical well-being serves as a cornerstone of his resilience. Despite the demanding nature of his role and the initial disruption to his evening gym routine due to the startup environment at InQube, he seized the opportunity to recalibrate his schedule. Rising at the break of dawn, he embraced a new regimen, commencing his gym sessions at 5:00 am—a routine he has upheld for many years. Additionally, incorporating morning walks into his weekends, spanning impressive distances of 12-15 kilometres, allows him to rejuvenate amidst nature’s serenity, fostering moments of introspection and personal renewal.

Sohan’s commitment to prioritizing his health underscores a fundamental belief in the power of personal agency. Rejecting the notion of insurmountable obstacles, he challenges the pervasive myth that time constraints impede wellness practices. By allocating just one hour each day to physical fitness, he dismantles excuses and exemplifies the transformative potential of intentional self-care. Moreover, the invigorating effects of his morning workouts resonate throughout his professional endeavours, infusing him with renewed vitality and focus as he navigates the demands of his role at InQube GLOBAL.

It is evident that Sohan’s holistic approach to wellness not only reflects his resilience in the face of adversity but also epitomizes a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By seamlessly integrating health-conscious habits into his daily routine, he sets an inspiring example for individuals seeking to achieve equilibrium amidst life’s myriad pressures.

Reflecting on the evolution of diversity and inclusion within the apparel industry, Sohan draws from his extensive experience spanning over two decades. Reminiscing about the scarcity of female professionals in leadership roles when he first entered the apparel sector, he highlights the remarkable strides made in recent years. Today, he observes a significant shift, with an increasing number of women assuming senior leadership positions across various functions within the organization.

The team at InQube Global underscore the intrinsic value of diversity in leadership, citing their role in fostering innovation and driving informed decision-making processes. Championing the inclusion of female professionals within teams, Sohan recognizes their unique perspectives and propensity to challenge conventional norms, thereby enriching the organizational landscape. From factory floors to corporate departments such as Merchandising, HR, IT, Finance, and Manufacturing, InQube Global acknowledges the tangible impact of diversifying leadership structures.

Beyond internal initiatives, InQube GLOBAL places great emphasis on the broader societal imperative of embracing diversity and adapting to changing global dynamics. They advocate for a proactive approach, urging leadership to prioritize diversity and inclusion as core tenets of organizational culture. With customer expectations increasingly aligned with diversity initiatives, Sohan and his team stress the importance of aligning business practices with evolving societal norms. However, Sohan acknowledges that there is still much work to be done in this arena, urging leaders to lead by example and instill a culture of inclusivity at all levels of the organization. By embracing diversity as a strategic imperative, InQube Global envisions a future where organizations not only thrive but also serve as beacons of social progress and equality within the fashion industry and beyond.

Transitioning from a comfortable role at MAS in April 2017 to embark on the endeavour of setting up InQube, Sohan faced a stark reality of scarcity upon arrival. With no designated workspace, limited amenities, and a considerable increase in commute time, the decision to join InQube required relinquishing the familiarity and conveniences of his previous job. Yet, propelled by commitment, resilience, and discipline, Sohan embraced the challenges head-on, determined to carve a path to success.

The sacrifices endured during the initial stages of establishing InQube served as catalysts for personal growth and professional transformation. Despite external scepticism and doubts regarding the team’s prospects, their steadfast resolve to defy expectations fueled a collective determination to succeed. Through strategic innovation and a steadfast commitment to excellence, InQube GLOBAL not only overcame adversity but also emerged as a trailblazer within the apparel industry, earning recognition and respect for its contributions.

Sohan’s sacrifice not only shaped his journey but also left an indelible mark on the trajectory of InQube GLOBAL’s success. By embracing the challenges of uncertainty and scarcity, he catalyzed a shift in the organization’s ethos, fostering a culture of resilience, innovation, and tenacity.

Reflecting on the alignment of his personal values with corporate expectations, highlighting a seamless integration between who he is and the roles he performs, Sohan is firmly rooted in humility and a genuine appreciation for diversity. He navigates interpersonal relationships with ease, transcending societal barriers of caste and creed. His authentic approach to interaction, whether with a security guard, janitor, customer, or shareholder, underscores a commitment to inclusivity and mutual respect—a quality that has been consistently embraced by the companies he has served.

Despite operating within the apparel industry, Sohan remains grounded in his authenticity, allowing his personal style to reflect his genuine self while adhering to professional norms. His ability to strike a balance between individual expression and corporate expectations exemplifies an integration of personal values with organizational ethos. By embracing his identity while respecting the context of his professional environment, he sets a compelling example of integrity and congruence in action.

Sohan’s authenticity serves as a guiding principle, ensuring a cohesive alignment between personal beliefs and corporate culture. As he continues to navigate the complexities of the industry. His steadfast authenticity remains a cornerstone of his professional identity, shaping meaningful connections and fostering inclusive environments within the organizations he serves.

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