Part of managing a company is addressing and solving the complaints of your employees. While some issues may be minor, it is crucial you treat each case carefully and equally as you can have serious and devastating ramifications if one is mishandled. This article will identify key factors that Andrew Miller, former CEO of Polycom, Inc., utilizes when he receives a complaint from an employee.

Acknowledge the Complaint

Miller suggests establishing an open-door policy if you have a relatively small number of employees. By adopting this policy, you will make it known to your employees that when they have an issue or concern, they can come to you at any time. If the company you are leading has a large staff, establishing an open-door policy may not be your best bet. Some complaints may seem like a frivolous issue, but sometimes they may just want you to listen.

Establish a Procedure

Create a form that all employees can submit regarding their concerning grievances. Ensure that as many details as possible are covered within this document. That way, written documents are available as evidence of what has been said if anything happens due to the allegation. With relation to staff grievances, getting a Human Resources department is important. HR may have a simple and recorded policy for how these matters should be treated. Not only does the HR department review and address these complaints, but if you are a factor in the concern as the CEO, manager, or supervisor, it is crucial you allow the HR department to delve deeper into the issue.

Guarantee Action & Don’t Delay

Make your employee realize that you are going to follow through with addressing their concern in a timely manner. Thank the employee for the specifics they provided you and assure them that you are going to investigate the situation right away. Allowing time to pass after the complaint has been received gives room for another possible mishap resulting in further complaints.

Create a Solution

The next step is to find a compromise after all of the necessary knowledge has been collected and shared with the relevant parties. When a plan has been established, the company aims to examine the efficacy of the solution to assess if the workers’ concern has finally been alleviated.

– CEO World